Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting to Know Your Fellow Trail Runner: Ben Pangie

And another episode of Getting to Know Your Fellow Trail Runner here at DFL...

Okay, so, Fat Ass races are really fun. I even drove to Long Island to run one in the middle of January. What a blast! So, enter Ben Pangie who is putting on a sweet Fat Ass called Twin States race, which will be either a 50 miler or a 50K. It is on April 6th and here is the link 

SIGN UP!!!! I did! 

Let's hear from Ben and again SIGN UP!!!!

Thanks for joining us here at DFL.
What brought on the Twin States Race? Give us the details of the course. Why is it a fat ass (great idea btw)? What can we expect for aid?
Not really sure what brought it on. Something of a combination between wanting a local race, but wanting something cheap at the same time. One of the listservs I’m on had some folks talking about how lovely Vermont is in the summer and fall, so I thought, why not mud season? It’s kind of split into two parts, the first half runs through Vermont, the second through New Hampshire. Nearly 80% is on hard-pack dirt road. It also crosses the Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge. As for details, I don’t know - lots of up and down on dirt roads. There’s maybe one or two massive hill climbs, but lots and lots of small undulations. I wanted it to be a fat ass for a couple of reasons. Mainly, I think running should be as cheap as possible, a pair of shoes, a watch, maybe a hydration pack if you’re going long enough. I love racing, but still trying to buy my life back from Aunt Sallie and Uncle Sam, I find it hard to justify spending exorbitant sums on races. As for aid, that’s still kind of a question. There will be at least one aid stop along the way near the 20-25 mile mark. It will have water, and maybe some Honey Maxx if one of our Ontario based runners can help with the transport.

Is this your first race as an RD? What made you want to put on your own races?
This is my first race as an RD. Stupidity? Editor’s note: Not stupid! We need more of you!
Do you have any other ideas for races?
I’m thinking of trying to get a 6/12 hour together this summer/fall, but not sure. We’ll see how this first one goes.
What races are you running this year?
I’ve signed up for the VT100 (my first 100), hoping not to balk at that when the time comes. Depending on how everything goes maybe VT50, or Ghost Train down in New Hampshire. I’ve also signed up for a couple of local halfs.
What does your typical training look like during the ‘off season’ and during the times you are an RD?
Off season, you mean winter? I try to get one long run in a week, sometimes two if I can manage it. I also try to throw in a fartlek or some threshold type work in there as well. This winter has been rough as we all now. Single digits are not conducive to any type of healthy training… Being that this is the first time I’m attempting to RD, and we’re still in the vicious throes of winter, that’s more-or-less how I’ve been training. Once the two feet of snow on the track starts to melt, I’ll add at least one track workout a week in, but who knows when that will be.
“10 questions in 60 seconds”

  1. Favorite race - Harpoon Octoberfest. 3.6 miles, but some pretty nice Harpoon brews for awards.
  2. Favorite trail - Anything I can get to without driving.
  3. Favorite aid station snack?  - Whatever looks good at the time.
  4. Favorite post-race meal/beer? - Bacon and cheap beer, like Genny Cream Ale.
  5. Electrolyte? - Honey Maxx
  6. Thoughts on cash prizes for ultras? - So long as it doesn’t impact the cost of a race I want to participate in, have at it. But I don’t like big hype races anyway.
  7. If you could run any race, what would it be? Big’s Backyard, or Six Days at the Dome
  8. Hills or single track? Hills
  9. Favorite shoes?  Skora
  10. Thoughts on pacing?  Sure. More wow-factor. if you do it without, but I guess it kind of depends on why you’re out here.